Optimistic and dedicated
Curious and open minded
Engaged in collaboration
Professor and consultant
Researcher and author
My professional ambition is to share inspiration, knowledge and experience about organizational change and transformational leadership to contribute to the success of leaders and change agents in realizing successful changes in their own organizations and their professional lives.
This site supports this ambition by sharing a rich collection of presentations and publications. This ambition should also offer the opportunity to exchange experiences. You can share experiences on the Blog page.
El cambio como un juego de interaccion estrategica es el edición español del libro Change as collaborative play
Los entornos de las organizaciones han experimentado grandes turbulencias en los últimos años. La globalización, la digitalización, la inteligencia artificial y la robótica, la nueva sociología del mercado laboral o el aumento de la complejidad de los mercados han contribuido a una nueva dinámica de incertidumbre y ambigüedad. Las organizaciones están cambiando internamente y en sus relaciones con las demás, pero este cambio puede verse como algo positivo. Este libro, dirigido a estudiantes, profesionales de la transformación organizacional, asesores en procesos de cambio y profesores universitarios y de escuelas de negocios, plantea una dinámica de juego para impulsar el cambio en las organizaciones y gestionarlo de forma exitosa. Un modelo que invita a la interacción y que ofrece un punto de referencia e inspiración a los jugadores que quieren contribuir al cambio y desarrollarse ellos mismos.
In February 2013 the English title Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations was published. I am very happy with this publication, which is full of conceptual material, inspiring examples and concrete intervention to realize successful strategic and cultural change in organizations.
Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning is an academic handbook for people who are willing to take a deep dive into the dynamics of organizational change and development. Well known scholars contributed to this handbook, like Karl Weick, Robert Quinn, Chris Argyris, Thomas Cummings, Alfons Sauquet, Alice Lam, Gary Yukl, Chris Clegg and many others. This book was awarded a prize by a Dutch association for professionals in organizational science and change management.
Intervening and changing offers new perspectives on intervening and organizational change. It offers an overview of paradoxes and tensions in the field of organizational change and presents interventions that are based in social constructionism and social interaction theory. This book is the first comprehensive guide to offer successful new ways of organizationals to apply global thinking and democratic values to achieve innovations.
This site contains useful publications and presentations about leadership, organizing, changing and consulting. You are free to use texts in your own work and to use them for non-commercial use.
More information about cultural and organizational change can be found on the website change as play, such as video lectures, presentations, video clips, movies, tests and case descriptions of organizations in change.
The book Change as collaborative play 0ffers a playful method for change management in organizations. It shows the dynamics in which professionals play a role and collaborate in preparing their organization for the future. The model offers inspiration and practical tools for those who want to contribute to the development of their organization and themselves. The book is essential reading for professionals and leaders, who are involved with change in their organizations and have a crucial task in the present and future of business.
The book “Leiders in Cultuurverandering” [Cultural Change and leadership] is based on 16 in-depth case studies in international and Dutch companies. They include Randstad, Arcadis, Air France KLM, 3M Health care, Amazon and Ahold. The case descriptions are available in Dutch language. The most important stories are included as practical examples in the English publication Cultural Change and Leadership in Organizations.
In 2010 a boxed collection was put together about change management. It has 20 cd’s for people who seek inspiration while traveling or who want to listen during quiet moments at home or on holidays. This project is a collaboration of 18 colleagues from the Netherlands. Unfortunately the box in available in the Dutch language only.
Usually I am actively involved in two or three change processes. This focus makes it possible to be fully engaged in these projects. Currently I am involved in:
Firefighters Netherlands
How the Firefighters Netherlands collaborate to contribute to physical security and societal continuity and develop their vision of the future.
Public healthcare
How a public healthcare organization contributes to the health of youngsters and their families by preventing child abuse and violence in households.
Global Alliance for Banking on Values
The development of a global alliance and their ambition to finance change in local communities and change finance for the good of all.
Next to my involvement in these broad scale change programs, I contribute to leadership excellence and strategic change in programs for several international companies.
The book Alliances for sustainable futures provide an in-depth exploration of the formation, building, development, and evolutionary phases of sustainable alliances, this book presents a new perspective on organizational change in value-driven alliances. Combining theoretical ideas, practical concepts, and critical reflections on the topic, this insightful and timely book supports the conception and progression of purpose driven alliances which contribute to a more positive and sustainable world.
El libro Alianzas estratégicas que crean valor es el edición español del libro “Alliances for sustainable futures”. Este libro presenta un marco conceptual, conocimientos prácticos y reflexiones críticas sobre cómo implementar alianzas sostenibles profundizando en sus diferentes fases: formación, construcción, desarrollo y evolución hacia un mundo más humanista. Los temas desarrollados se ejemplifican con casos reales: la Alianza Global en Educación Gerencial (CEMS) y la Alianza Global para la Banca con Valores (GABV). Es un libro para aquellas personas que buscan contribuir a un cambio económico y social profundo, así como para estudiantes y académicos en el ámbito de la gestión empresarial, negocios internacionales y desarrollo sostenible, así como para consultores, líderes, directivos y para la nueva generación de empresarios que desea ser parte de alianzas para mejorar el posicionamiento de su empresa, pero también para construir un mundo mejor.
The book Change Management Adventures contain 28 short stories based on my own experiences in organizational change. Every story concludes with illustrative and sometimes amusing lessons about change management. The book is in the stage of conceptual development with an attractive lay out and nice drawings. The first reactions of colleagues who have read the manuscript are very enthusiastic.
In 2012 a boxed collection was completed with 15 CD’s for people who seek inspiration while traveling or who want to listen during quiet moments at home or on holidays. This project is a collaboration of 14 colleagues from the Netherlands. Unfortunately tho collection is available in the Dutch language only.
ESADE Business school offers executive courses and excellence programs in which I am happy to collaborate with leaders and professionals who want to make a difference. Esade is one of the leading business schools worldwide and was rated in the top 10 business schools by the Financial Times and Business Week. Participants are well motivated and have a variety of organizational and cultural backgrounds. Forthcoming programs in which I am involved are:
Global Executive MBA
Global Advanced Management program
Executive MBA
Executive Masters
Master International Management
This site offers you a broad range of presentations on transformational leadership, organizational change, strategic and cultural change and consulting. Feel free to use these presentations in your own work and to download and distribute them for non-commercial use. I would be pleased if you let me know when you adapt conceptual models, because you create an innovation and I would like to learn from you and from this innovation. Presentations are easily found in the presentations section.
More presentations and video lectures can be found on www.changeasplay.com
The website www.changeasplay.com is related tot the book Change as collaborative play. The site contains video lectures, cases, short videos, film suggestions, change methodologies, study questions and a lot more. You may register with the registration code: JB-12345.
I am very happy with this new site with a fresh and professional design and intuitive navigation that guides you through a wealth of information.
This site was created in co-creation in which more people have contributed.
Greo Belgers was immediately excited when I told him I longed for a new site. Around the kitchen table we developed first ideas. Maarten Nefkens and Rens de Jonge van Dawn created the design. Our ideas shaped in a continuous search for functionality and beauty.
Pepijn van Vlaanderen at Web agency Royal Webbers constructed the site with perfection. Pepijn was always there when I had questions in uploading content. All questions were answered fast and effective. I am glad that Pepijn takes care for technical management and maintenance.
Personally I edited presentations, gathered publications together, compose texts and chose the images.
The result is for you. A source of knowledge, experience and inspiration. Let me know what you think of it and good ideas for improvement are always welcome.
This site offers all kind of inspirations, reflections and ideas. More inspirational stories can be found on the Blog page with all a nice and growing collection of reflections and stories about strategic and cultural change in organizations and the funny behavior of people inside organizations. Feel free to contribute to discussions and controversies. By exchanging ideas, experiences and inspirations we are able to improve ourselves as professionals and leaders in strategic and cultural change in organizations.
The information contained in this website may be used and shared for personal and professional use. You are free to use all written information, publications and presentations and you may access and download all materials located on this site for personal, non-commercial use.
All pictures on this site are personal created or from public spaces and supposed to be free of copyright. Jaap Boonstra claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this website are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this site that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed or if you wish your name will be mentioned with a link to the original post.
A complete disclaimer can be found here.
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